
Magic Mike DVD Will Release October 23rd

Pardon me while I wipe away the drool.Ten days and counting until the release of Magic Mike on Dvd on October 23rd. I hope everyone has a Blu Ray player however, because the extended dance scenes are only featured on Blu Ray, not on the Dvd.

You can watch one of Matt Bomer's deleted scenes below. Matt Bomer as a Ken Doll, how the hell can they cut this? 

In the meantime there have been some amazing pictures going around of Matt as the Ken Doll.


  1. i love this video!!!! matt is soooo hot in this omg why oh why did they cut this!!! you dont happen to know the song they used in this scene do you?

  2. There's more than one scene!?!? I NEED A BLU-RAY PLAYER!!!

  3. whoa! thanks for posting that! made my night. LOL! that girl was so lucky.
